Monday, January 29, 2007

Article Marketing to Increase Website Traffic

Article marketing is probably the easiest and quickest way to drive significant traffic to your website or blog. I have found that 25% of readers on average click on the link in the resource box. Ezine Articles has a very high search engine rank which means that if your articles are submitted there and people search on your keywords, your article will likely appear number one on the Google search page within a very short period of time.

Look for the best article directories for your needs and monitor how much traffic is directed from them to your website or blog. You can link your submitted articles to relevant information on your website or blog, or simply to the main page. Once you have readers visiting your site, many will return if you have something valuable to offer them. Some people will click on the Google page ads and contribute to your adsense income. Others will join affiliate programs. Most will simply glean information. Nevertheless, you are building a reputation that may result in referrals to your site and possible business in the future.

Providing genuine value is the best way to build site traffic. Writing articles and submitting them to article directories (article marketing) is a free and highly effective way to build your bona fides and generate interest in your articles, services and affiliate programs.

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