Saturday, January 27, 2007

Writing articles for search engine optimization (SEO) can be a challenging and often discouraging task for an online content writer. SEO writing often looks cluttered and unnatural; at its worst it's just plain ungrammatical!

Yet, keyword rich, SEO articles are the bread and butter of the online content writer. While a number of webmasters still want well written articles, simply designed to inform or entertain, an increasing number of websites are opting for SEO articles that are also well written and informative. This can place unreasonable demands on a writer because if the keyword is a ridiculous three word phrase that has to be used fifteen times in a five hundred word article, it isn't going to be worth the writer's time to try to make it a brilliant piece of writing.

Sometimes you just have to let clients go. A lot of more experienced webmasters have reasonable expectations when it comes to SEO articles, others do not. They want articles to both read smoothly and yet include all the keywords they want. They cannot necessarily have it both ways. An experienced writer will usually make a good fist of writing keyword articles. If you generally get good feedback from clients and are happy to write keyword articles, you may need to be willing to let clients go if they are too demanding. After all, you can't spend five hours to make $10 to $20.

SEO writing is more than a skill, it is an art. Taking the time to develop your skill and creativity in this area will help to keep you in work. However, as with all online writing, SEO article writing needs to be managed to ensure that the time you spend is financially productive for you, not just the client.

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